Jönköpings Student Union
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It is mandatory for all students at JU to be members of the Jönköping Student Union.

By students - for students

Do i have to be a member?

Yes! All students who are registered in a course or program at Jönköping University must be members of the Student Union. This is to guarantee your influence over your time here as a student.

You have no right to pursue studies at JU if you do not pay your membership fee. However, there are exceptions to the mandatory membership, read more here.

Did you know...

... when you pay your membership fee, you get the support of 9,000 other students?


When you pay the mandatory union fee, you ensure that:

  • The Student Union can work on issues related to the quality of education, working conditions, and student life in Jönköping.
  • You have someone who can represent you in study-related issues during your time as a student, such as conflicts with teachers or problems with exams.
  • There are student representatives who advocate for your interests in all of the school's decision-making processes.
  • There is someone who ensures that your health is taken into consideration.
  • We can actively work to integrate international and national students.
  • We can monitor issues related to internationalization.
  • We can monitor the housing situation in Jönköping.
  • We can address all the above points at a national level in direct contact with the Swedish government and politicians through Jönköping Student Union's membership in Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer External link.

You also contribute to:

  • The existence of interest-based associations at the school where you can pursue your hobbies or get to know new people.
  • The existence of study social groups where students can get involved.
  • Organized trips planned by the Student Union.
  • Akademien being open both as a nightclub and for events such as "sittningar".
  • The ability to keep Rio open, as a cafe and event space for the school's various associations.
  • The Student Union being able to organize events such as Kick Off, Kick Off Festival, Valborg, Festive Friday, etc.
  • You gain access to student discounts through the Mecenat card.
  • ... and much, much more

Do you want to learn more about what we do at Jönköping Student Union? Read more under the tabs for the subjects that interest you. If you have any questions, feedback, or opinions regarding the Student Union's activities, you can always email president@js.ju.se or visit our office on the 2nd floor of Studenternas Hus.

Did you know...

... 10% of your membership fee goes to the Student Association at your school, namely LOK, HI-TECH, JSA, or the Hälsosektion? This allows you to have committees that oversee education at your school and course developers. It also enables the existence of committees and events at your school.

... you can directly affect the Student Union's work during the Annual Meeting, which takes place every spring. If you want to get more involved during your time as a student, you can by participating in different committees or by being a part of the Student Union's board.


Why does Jönköping University have a mandatory union membership? There was a mandatory union membership at all universities and colleges in Sweden until 2010 when the government decided to abolish it at all state-run colleges and universities. Since JU is a privately owned university, we were not affected by this decision, and in 2011, the Foundation Governing Board at JU decided that membership in the Student Union should be mandatory. This was done to ensure that education, student life, and working conditions would maintain the highest possible standard. The mandatory membership allows us at the Student Union to have five employees and seven salaried individuals working daily to make your time as a student as good as possible.

Content checked / updated 

Quick Facts:

Founded: 1947

Members: <9,000

Student Associations: 4

Interest Associations: 21

Jönköpings Kommun
Friskis & Svettis