Annual Meeting, May 13-14th

Place: Kurt Johansson aulan (HHJ). In order to participate, you need to register on the link. External link, opens in new window.

Note: Delegates MUST participate on the spot!

The first 50 students to register will get lunch. In the registration form, you will to select which days you wish to attend so we can plan how much food we should order. You will receive a lunch for the days you have selected that you will attend. Last day to register for lunch is May 5th.

What is the Annual Meeting?

During the Annual Meeting will you and your fellow students decide what the Student Union should work with. In this way you can affect and improve your student life.

Read more about the Annual Meeting

Make a difference

Send in a question or a proposal or apply for a vacant position at the Student Union.

Make your voice heard and affect your Student Union


April 19th: Motions and interpellations

April 19h: Open positions

Note! You can apply on the spot for vacant positions.

The student life begins with you! Help us shape your time at JU!

Meet us and talk about the Annual meeting at the Annual Fair! You'll be able to ask questions, write motions, apply to vacant positions and meed engaged students in JSU

17th April, outside of the students' house.